Saturday, January 26, 2008

"Why Are Their Heads Chopped Off?"

As we walked through Kohls department store admiring the different mannequins last night, we came to some that had no heads or arms, suddenly Isaac said in a suprised tone " Why are their heads chopped off, and their arms?" I replyed saying "Maybe they were bad." Isaac didn't take it as a joke at first, he had a real concerned look on his face. Now he knows I was just being funny. I will never look at mannequis the same again. I never thought of it before that their heads were chopped off, I always just looked at it as fashion.

Isaac's other funny perspective is, when he sees a handicapped/disabled sign he says "look a man on the potty." The first time he came up with that one we were in the dollar store at the checkout (he made some of the people in line laugh).


Sam Anderson said...

That is so funny. What the eyes of a 5 year old sees. I dont think I will ever think of mannequis or the handicapped sign the same ever again. Thanks for sharing.
Melynda Anderson
Mommy to Mariska 3 months HLHS

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